Offering over 250 unique programs.
You could receive your program for free. Check out our funding options.
McMillen Health is recognized as the number one resource for health education in Northeast Indiana – reaching more than 90,000 children and adults each year. Whether you want to bring a group of students to McMillen Health, have one of our educators visit your school or community group, or take part in a distance learning program, you are sure to receive a fun, interactive program.
The cost for McMillen Health programs is $7.00 per student with no charge for adults and chaperones. Discounts are available when multiple grades from the same school visit. The rate for a standard DL program is $210 per receiving site. (Bridging fees, if applicable, will be paid by the customer.) For discounts or grants that may be available to you, check our Grants & Discounts page. Outreach fees are applied – contact our scheduler for details schedule@mcmillenhealth.org.
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Call us! (260) 456-4511 or
toll free at (888) 240-7268.
Learn more about our distance learning opportunities
Program Guide
McMillen Health offers over 250 unique programs for all ages on various topics. In our digital program guide, you can filter by age group and topic. From there, you can select a program to learn more and contact us for scheduling.
Youth with Disabilities 6–12: Mind-Full of Stress
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
In Mind-Full of Stress, students examine the mind-body connection. Students learn about different categories of stress that affect the brain and body. This program includes opportunities to practice self-regulation techniques and new vocabulary to talk about stress.
Slam Dunk the Funk
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
What’s that smell? Are your students struggling to maintain good personal hygiene? Slam Dunk the Funk may be just what your class needs. Discussion will cover the many components of personal hygiene.
Healthy Tomorrow: Maternal Mental Health
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Participants will be introduced to the Healthy Tomorrow App which can provide easy access to additional information on other topics related to their pregnancy. This program is part of McMillen Health’s Mom and Me Days series but may also be scheduled as a standalone program.
No Bad Secrets
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Students will identify the difference between a good touch and a bad touch, plus discuss examples of good and bad secrets.
Botvin Lifeskills Training Transitions
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min. Per Session (6 Sessions)
This interactive and skills-based program promotes positive health and personal development in older adolescents and helps them navigate the transition from high school into the workforce or higher education.
Dunk the Funk
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
This age-appropriate program uses practical tips, humor, and videos to engage with students on various hygiene-related topics like handwashing, showering, dental hygiene, skin care, clothing care, nail care, and the healthiest menstrual hygiene practices to help prepare students for the transition from childhood to adolescence.
Mood Monsters
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
Once students learn to tame their “mood monsters,” they are ready to manage their behavior.
Bully Don’t Bother Me
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
This interactive program teaches students how important it is to be a friend using age-appropriate videos, visual illustrations, and role playing.
Mind-Full of Stress
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
In Mind-Full of Stress, students learn about different categories of stress that affect the brain and body.
Mini Mood Monsters
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Experiencing strong feelings or monster emotions is a healthy and normal part of everyday life. Learning to recognize and control strong emotions takes practice.
PreK Mood Monsters
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Learning to recognize and control strong emotions with puppets!
QPR Suicide Prevention Training
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 2 Hours
This training covers suicide warning signs, risk factors, protective facts, and what to do if faced with someone considering suicide.
Youth with Disabilities 6–12: Sexting and Texting: Safe Social Media
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
This program teaches students what consent is and is not, what sexting is, and what sexual harassment means.
Youth with Disabilities 6–12: Emergency
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
This life skills program enables students to recognize the difference between emergencies and non-emergencies, learn how to call 911 in case of a true emergency, and learn the best practices for responding to a potentially dangerous situation.
Youth with Disabilities 6–12: Anger Management
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
In this program, students learn to recognize the different signs of anger and practical ways to manage it.
Youth with Disabilities K–5: Mood Monsters
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Once students learn to tame their “mood monsters,” they are ready to manage their behavior.
Youth with Disabilities 6–12: Password to Internet Safety
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Prepare your students for safe internet usage with this digital citizenship program.
Youth with Disabilities 6–12: Hesitate to Intimidate
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
This anti-bullying program awakens students to their right to be respected and emphasizes the importance of choosing to be respectful of others.
Get the Facts: Suicide Prevention
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
This life skills program increases student knowledge about the warning signs of suicide.