Offering over 250 unique programs.
You could receive your program for free. Check out our funding options.
McMillen Health is recognized as the number one resource for health education in Northeast Indiana – reaching more than 90,000 children and adults each year. Whether you want to bring a group of students to McMillen Health, have one of our educators visit your school or community group, or take part in a distance learning program, you are sure to receive a fun, interactive program.
The cost for McMillen Health programs is $7.00 per student with no charge for adults and chaperones. Discounts are available when multiple grades from the same school visit. The rate for a standard DL program is $210 per receiving site. (Bridging fees, if applicable, will be paid by the customer.) For discounts or grants that may be available to you, check our Grants & Discounts page. Outreach fees are applied – contact our scheduler for details
Don’t see the program you’re looking for?
Call us! (260) 456-4511 or
toll free at (888) 240-7268.
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Program Guide
McMillen Health offers over 250 unique programs for all ages on various topics. In our digital program guide, you can filter by age group and topic. From there, you can select a program to learn more and contact us for scheduling.
Nutrition 201: Health & Wellness
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
Come on an exciting journey with us as we level up students' knowledge and skills for a lifetime of wellness! Get ready to dive into the world of food processing and its impact on our healthy choices.
Nutrition 101: Health & Wellness
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
like to see a positive change to their daily eating habits? This program will empower them to do just that! Students will discover some of the surprising sources of added sugar in their diet.
Botvin Lifeskills Training Transitions
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min. Per Session (6 Sessions)
This interactive and skills-based program promotes positive health and personal development in older adolescents and helps them navigate the transition from high school into the workforce or higher education.
Respect and Responsibility
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45-90 Min.
In this health skills program, students will learn about the male and female reproductive systems, the consequences of sexual activity, and the benefits of abstinence.
Get the Facts: Suicide Prevention
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
This life skills program increases student knowledge about the warning signs of suicide.
The News About Booze
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
In this youth substance use prevention program, students learn about the dangers of alcohol misuse.
Bullying: Imbalance of Power
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
Being able to protect yourself starts with knowing how. This program prepares students for just that.
Social Emotional Smarts
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
Do some of your students struggle with their emotions? Are you worried your students might cope with their stress in unhealthy ways? Social Emotional Smarts teaches youth how to manage stress and have empathy for others.
Testicular Self-Exam (Diocese Approved)
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
Students will learn the facts about testicular cancer and the importance of early detection using self-exams.
Breast Self-Exam (Diocese Approved)
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
This disease prevention program teaches about breast cancer.
HIV: Infection Connection (Diocese Approved)
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
In this HIV health education program, students get the latest facts on HIV/AIDS including the statistics, modes of transmission, infection process, treatment, and prevention.
Parenting: A Reality Check
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 90 Min.
In this program, students receive a “reality check” about the responsibilities of parenting.
Choices Today, Options Tomorrow
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min. Per Session (8 Total Sessions)
This program empowers students by equipping them with the practical skills, knowledge, and confidence required to stand up for healthy life choices.
Outlook on Opioids
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
In Outlook on Opioids, students learn about the history of the opioid crisis and facts about opioid use disorder.
Vaping Mists and Myths
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
In this tobacco prevention program, students will learn about tobacco industry marketing and how social media increases exposure to electronic tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, vaporizers, and JUULs.
Pharm Crisis
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
This youth substance use prevention program introduces students to the dangers of prescription drug misuse.
Testicular Self-Exam
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
Students will learn the facts about testicular cancer and the importance of early detection using self-exams.
HIV: Infection Connection
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
In this HIV health education program, students get the latest facts on HIV/AIDS including the statistics, modes of transmission, infection process, treatment, and prevention.
Going Viral
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
In this disease prevention program about COVID-19, new scientific research and interactive activities are used to teach critical importance of daily hygienic practices.