Offering over 250 unique programs.
You could receive your program for free. Check out our funding options.
McMillen Health is recognized as the number one resource for health education in Northeast Indiana – reaching more than 90,000 children and adults each year. Whether you want to bring a group of students to McMillen Health, have one of our educators visit your school or community group, or take part in a distance learning program, you are sure to receive a fun, interactive program.
The cost for McMillen Health programs is $7.00 per student with no charge for adults and chaperones. Discounts are available when multiple grades from the same school visit. The rate for a standard DL program is $210 per receiving site. (Bridging fees, if applicable, will be paid by the customer.) For discounts or grants that may be available to you, check our Grants & Discounts page. Outreach fees are applied – contact our scheduler for details schedule@mcmillenhealth.org.
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Program Guide
McMillen Health offers over 250 unique programs for all ages on various topics. In our digital program guide, you can filter by age group and topic. From there, you can select a program to learn more and contact us for scheduling.
Slam Dunk the Funk
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 45 Min.
What’s that smell? Are your students struggling to maintain good personal hygiene? Slam Dunk the Funk may be just what your class needs. Discussion will cover the many components of personal hygiene.
Adults with Disabilities: Outlook on Opioids
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
This program teaches the difference between opioids and opiates, different forms of opioids, and what addiction and withdrawal are.
Adults with Disabilities: Going Viral
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
In this disease prevention program about COVID-19, new scientific research and interactive activities are used to teach the critical importance of daily hygienic practices.
Adults with Disabilities: Coping with COVID
Distance Learning | E-Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Students learn fact-based disease transmission information.
Adults with Disabilities: Vaping
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
The discussion will cover nicotine’s side effects and the dangers presented by vape pens.
Adults with Disabilities: The Stink About Smoking
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
This program will help your students learn about the negative effects of tobacco, its impact on various organs, and the various costs that come with smoking, including social, physical, and economic.
Adults with Disabilities: The News About Booze
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Students will discover what alcohol is, what body parts alcohol use or misuse affect, and what it means to be sober.
Adults with Disabilities: Sugar Simplified
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Sugar Simplified teaches about what sugar is, different kinds of sugar, and the recommended limits of added sugar for different ages and activity levels.
Adults with Disabilities: Skin Care
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
This health skills program will educate students about the different types of skin, melanin’s role in skin color, skin protection, and basic hygiene.
Adults with Disabilities: Showering and Handwashing
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Students will learn the importance of personal hygiene for social, personal, and health reasons.
Adults with Disabilities: Sexual Activity
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Students in this program will focus on the topic of sexual activity, including some anatomical information.
Adults with Disabilities: Sexting and Texting: Safe Social Media
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
This program teaches students what consent is and is not, what sexting is, and what sexual harassment means.
Adults with Disabilities: STDs
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
In this program, students will learn about the anatomy of male and female reproductive systems, common STDs, STD symptoms, and how to prevent them.
Adults with Disabilities: Revealing the Fat
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Provide your students with the opportunity to learn to name foods that contain fat, the importance of eating healthy meals, and why they should avoid “only sometimes” foods.
Adults with Disabilities: Relationships
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Students will learn what information to share and with whom, and what to do if they find themselves in an unhealthy relationship.
Adults with Disabilities: Pharm Crisis
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Students will discover the different kinds of prescription medications, what prescription medication abuse is, and the side effects of medication use and abuse.
Adults with Disabilities: Personal Information
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
Give your students the chance to learn how to protect themselves by discovering the importance of keeping private information secure, how to report fraud, and what information is appropriate to share with whom.
Adults with Disabilities: Password to Internet Safety
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
This program emphasizes the importance of protecting personal information, reputation, health, and personal safety.
Adults with Disabilities: Microwave Madness
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
In Microwave Madness, students learn about the safest practices when using microwaves, making healthy microwave food choices, and more.
Adults with Disabilities: Living An Active Lifestyle
Distance Learning | Our Location | Outreach
Duration: 30 Min.
In this program, students learn the three main types of exercise and how they can benefit from exercise.